Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What makes you depressed?

It's a question this blog will ask often.

Sometimes, though, the answers might help to punctuate the gloom here. Such as Zizek's answer to the question:

What makes you depressed?

Seeing stupid people happy.


Banno said...

I would think if seeing stupid people happy depresses one, one would be guaranteeing a lifetime of depression for oneself.

Anonymous said...

I like his answer to the fancy dress costume. I think I have heard it somewhere before from somebody.

I agree with his idea about students. When I think of my college teachers once in a while, I truly heart them. I was one of their mostly stupid and boring students.

Anyway, what depresses me out here is that people maniacally love the sun. I don't like the moon either.

km said...

Succumbing to fear and doubt.

??! said...

Seeing people happily stupid?

Seeing people stupidly happy?


Anonymous said...

God, I found his whole interview depressing. Bloody hell.